Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment: 5 Natural Remedies and Other Treatment!

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment! Tired of feeling like your joints are in a never-ending game of Red Rover? Rheumatoid arthritis is no joke, and unfortunately, you’re not alone. Over 1.5 million folks in America feel your pain – figuratively and literally. This chronic autoimmune condition causes inflammation in your joints and likes to tag in pain, stiffness, and swelling whenever it pleases. But don’t despair – there are treatments available that can help you show RA who’s boss.

Don’t let rheumatoid arthritis rain on your parade! There are multiple ways to help ease the symptoms and improve joint health. Our blog will inform you about five natural remedies and additional treatments that can help manage the pain. Don’t settle for just any treatment plan; take a holistic approach and live your best life!

Definition of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Cracking knuckles may sound cool, but they won’t save you from rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic autoimmune disease that causes joint inflammation. The inflammation isn’t picky and can settle in your hands, feet, hips, and other joints. Unfortunately, long-term inflammation leads to cartilage destruction and joint deformities, which doesn’t sound nearly as cool as cracking knuckles.

Overview of Treatment Options

Get your RA under control with a variety of treatment options that are available to you! Medications can help bring symptom relief while surgery may sometimes be necessary for a more long-term cure. If that’s not enough, other treatments such as physical therapy could help improve your quality of life. Don’t let RA control your life, take the reins with the right treatment approach!

What are the risk factors for Rheumatoid Arthritis?

If you’re wondering whether you might be at risk of developing Rheumatoid Arthritis, the answer is unfortunately “it depends.” But fear not, we’ve rounded up a few of the most common risk factors to keep an eye on. If you happen to identify as female, are over the age of 40, come from a family with a history of the disease, carry a few extra pounds, have experienced joint pain before, or have a particularly heroic immune system (which can sometimes work against you), it might be worth chatting with your doctor about whether you should take any extra precautions. Stay strong, stay informed, and keep those joints lubed up!

Characteristics that increase risk


Are you feeling a little creaky in your joints? Well, it turns out that pesky Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) doesn’t discriminate when it comes to age – it can show up at any moment, from your early twenties all the way to your golden years. But let’s be real, nobody wants to hear the A-word around their sixtieth birthday. Unfortunately, the odds of dealing with RA do increase with each passing year, so it’s important to take care of your body so that it can withstand the test of time.


Move over fellas, because when it comes to rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the ladies are taking the lead. It turns out that women are facing two to three times as many new cases of RA as their male counterparts. But don’t worry, we won’t let this disease stand a chance against us. Keep fighting, ladies!

Genetics/inherited traits

Have you ever heard of HLA class II genotypes? Well, if you have, you might be interested to know that they could have an impact on your risk of getting rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Turns out, people with certain HLA genotypes are more likely to develop RA – and if they also happen to smoke or carry some extra pounds, it could get even worse. In fact, the risk of RA is highest for those with these gene variations. Who knew genes could be such sneaky little things?


Smoking cigarettes can seriously up your chances of developing rheumatoid arthritis, and it doesn’t stop there – it can also make the disease even worse. Don’t let that cigarette craving light up your joints!

History of live births

Ladies who haven’t yet birthed a mini-me may be at a greater risk for rheumatoid arthritis.

Early Life Exposures

Did you know that your childhood environment could impact your risk of developing Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) in adulthood? A recent study unearthed some startling findings – children whose mothers smoked had twice the likelihood of getting RA later in life. And, if you grew up in a lower-income household, you may also have a greater risk of developing the disease as an adult. It just goes to show that your early life experiences can come back to haunt you in unexpected ways.


Have you been ignoring your waistline? That extra baggage might not just weigh down your self-esteem, it could also increase your risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Studies have detected a link between excessive weight and the likelihood of getting RA, meaning the more pounds you pack on, the higher your chances of developing the condition. Time to put down that bag of chips and pick up some dumbbells!

How is RA diagnosed?

Don’t let RA fly under your radar! If you suspect it’s creeping up on you, get assessed. With a physical exam, X-rays, and lab work, you can uncover this stealthy condition before it has a chance to wreak havoc on your joints. By catching it early, you can put a stop to its devilish plan to damage your precious bones. Get the right diagnosis and treatment, and you’ll be one step ahead in this battle against inflammation.

Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Got rheumatoid arthritis? Don’t just suffer in silence, mate! Try these natural remedies that can help soothe the symptoms. And don’t forget to ask a healthcare professional before diving headfirst into any new treatment plan. Some popular options include:

Taking ibuprofen or other painkillers to relieve inflammation and pain

Meet Ibuprofen, the popular pain relief sensation that comes in various forms like tablets or capsules. This pain-fighting warrior is known to reduce inflammation and relieve pain like a pro. But let’s not forget, Ibuprofen is not a superhero and shouldn’t be used as a substitute for proper medical care. Side effects like stomach troubles and addiction can occur too, so be wise and consult a medical professional before taking Ibuprofen into battle.

Exercising regularly to help improve joint function

Kick joint problems to the curb with regular exercise! Research shows that working up a sweat doesn’t just help you stay fit, it also improves joint function, mobility, and flexibility. Plus, it can ease pesky pains and stiffness, making every movement smoother. And the benefits don’t stop there – exercise also boosts balance, coordination, and overall strength, guarding against joint injuries. So, get moving and give your joints the love they deserve!

Using natural supplements, such as fish oil, to reduce inflammation and pain

Upgrade your health game with a daily dose of fish oil supplements! These tiny capsules packed with omega-3 fatty acids are scientifically proven to combat inflammation and pain. Not only do they work wonders for your heart health, but they can also lower your risk of chronic diseases like cancer and stroke. Give your body the natural nutrients it craves with the power of fish oil supplements!

Taking glucosamine supplements to help improve joint function

Are aching joints making life a little less comfortable than usual? Well, the jury is still out on whether glucosamine supplements can truly bend some joint functions back into shape. Researchers are scratching their heads trying to confirm the benefits, as some studies suggest it can help with arthritis, while others say otherwise. We can’t say for sure if this supplement is to blame or if it’s just a team player alongside other forms of treatment. Either way, it’s worth keeping an eye on the latest findings to see if glucosamine is worth adding to your wellness routine.

If you’re feeling creaky in the joints, you’re not alone. But luckily, there’s some good news: evidence shows that glucosamine supplements can actually help improve joint function. In fact, a study in the “Journal of the American Medical Association” found that people with osteoarthritis who took glucosamine saw significant improvements in both pain and function. Not too shabby! And it’s not just limited to osteoarthritis – another study found that glucosamine can help folks with rheumatoid arthritis, too. So if you’re looking for a natural way to reduce inflammation and get back to feeling limber and spry, glucosamine might just be your new go-to.

Using heat or ice packs

Get relief from rheumatoid arthritis with two trusty options- heat and ice! Heat therapy for a quick, temporary fix, and ice packs for the long run. Give your joints some heat- but don’t get too cozy as cold therapy is your sturdy companion.

Using topical creams or ointments

No need to rub on a brave face when dealing with Rheumatoid Arthritis, because there are topical creams and ointments that can give your pain the brush-off. Some top performers in the topical treatment world include methotrexate creams, hydroxychloroquine ointments, and gold salts. While making a selection, it’s crucial to go for a treatment that is both helpful and harmless. Though being the star of the show can be delightful, some common side effects of these topical treatments include dry skin, skin irritation, and redness. Before reaching for any product, be sure to check out the label and touch base with your doctor. Because trust us, being rash about any Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment is never a smooth move.

Using acupuncture or massage

Ever wonder about the ancient medical practices of acupuncture and massage? These healing therapies have been around for ages, and for good reason. Acupuncture involves unblocking energy pathways in the body called meridians to restore balance. Meanwhile, massage is known to target muscle pain, reduce inflammation, and relieve stress. So the next time you’re feeling out of whack, give these complementary treatments a try and see how they work wonders on your well-being!

Unleash the power of your energy fields with massage therapy! This ancient practice can help you relax, promote circulation, and reduce pain and inflammation. Don’t let stress weigh you down, book a massage session today and experience the magic for yourself.

Using surgery

If your immune system were to suddenly turn on your joints like a pack of mean girls, you’d be experiencing Rheumatoid arthritis. Unfortunately, one of the most common forms of this disease is rheumatoid factor-positive arthritis, and it’s caused by the infamous “rheumatoid factors” in your blood. To combat this, surgery is often used to get rid of the offending joint, its damaged cartilage, or the lining. It’s certainly not the most enjoyable way to say goodbye to your joints, but it can bring some relief!

Balanced Diet

Feeling frazzled and fried? No worries, we’ve got your back! Say goodbye to frazzled nerves and endless to-do lists with these stress-managing tips. First up, make like Oprah and make a list! Write down what needs to be done, assign times, and watch your stress melt away. Another stress-busting technique? Take a break, baby! When things feel totally overwhelming, step away and come back with a clear mind. And last but certainly not least, get your chill on. Don’t let stress mess with your mojo – bathe, read a juicy novel, or have brunch with your crew. Put down the stress ball, and remember – relaxation is the ultimate stress management move.

Stress Management

Don’t let stress be a pain in the joints! When dealing with rheumatoid arthritis, managing stress is key. Don’t sweat the small stuff, but do learn how to tackle stressors in a healthy way. Your joints will thank you for it!

Living with rheumatoid arthritis can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that a normal lifestyle is still within reach. Don’t let the pain and inflammation hold you back from exercising, eating a well-balanced diet, and catching those Z’s. And remember, adding relaxation techniques to your routine can help you avoid some of life’s stressors. Keep calm and carry on!

Don’t let stress get the best of you if you have rheumatoid arthritis! Instead, take control of the situation by learning healthy ways to cope with it. Identifying what triggers your stress can also help you proactively manage it. Your joints will thank you for it!


Say hello to your new best friend in the fight against rheumatoid arthritis: physical activity! No really, we’re serious. This magical thing called exercise can do wonders for your mood, reduce pain, and even help you stay healthy overall. So why not turn up the tunes and get those endorphins flowing? Your body will thank you.

Don’t let RA rain on your exercise parade! Before you start busting a move, make sure to connect with your dog to ensure they approve of your new routine. Warm-up and cool-down are non-negotiables, so don’t be a rebel and skip them. Remember, patience is a virtue – mastering a new exercise routine takes time, especially when RA is a factor. Keep yourself hydrated like a boss with plenty of water breaks throughout your workout. Now, go forth and crush that workout, RA or not!

Hot and Cold Therapy

Rheumatoid arthritis got you down? Don’t sweat it, hot and cold therapy are here to save the day. With hot therapy, you can slip into a relaxing bubble bath or steamy shower to ease inflammation and pain in your joints. Meanwhile, cold therapy will have you feeling chilly but oh-so-relieved as ice and cold packs reduce swelling and discomfort. These treatments may be a bit extreme, but they’ve been proven to have positive results and can help take the edge off rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

Herbal Supplements

Are you fed up with the aches and pains of rheumatoid arthritis? Don’t worry, Mother Nature has your back! Strut your stuff to the nearest herbal supplement store and grab some goldenseal, ginger, turmeric, and licorice. These herbal superstars have all the goods to help with joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. Plus, they also reduce inflammation in the body, which can lead to a healthier you. So why not give Mother Nature a chance to show modern medicine how it’s done and add these herbal supplements to your arthritis-busting arsenal?

Other Treatment Options

Dealing with rheumatoid arthritis can be a pain in the joints, but thankfully there are a few options to choose from. Medication, surgery, and physical therapy are just a few of the tools available in the fight against this condition. And if one method doesn’t cut it, don’t worry – there’s always another one to try. After all, finding the perfect treatment plan is like trying on shoes – it might take a few pairs to find the one that fits just right.


Are your arthritis symptoms causing your joint pain? Don’t worry, there are plenty of meds that slap RA in the face. You can choose from an array of powerful medications to ease your discomfort. Traditional remedies include NSAIDs, DMARDs, and Biologics. With the right medication, you’ll be able to manage RA like a boss.

Methotrexate (MTX)

If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, you might have heard of Methotrexate. This clever medication works by quelling inflammation and pain associated with the disease. And don’t worry, you won’t need to play nurse on a daily basis, as it only requires injections once every 30 days. So why not look into Methotrexate and enjoy long-lasting relief from the pesky symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?


Got arthritis? Say hello to your new best friend: Cyclosporine! This handy-dandy medication can help reduce inflammation and swelling in your joints, making movement and everyday activities more comfortable. You can take it orally, through injection, or even via a cool skin patch. While it’s usually prescribed for a few months at a time, you can keep taking Cyclosporine for years if necessary. Just make sure you’re not pregnant or have a kid when you take it!


If you’re one of the many who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, Adalimumab is here to ease your pain! This anti-inflammatory medication works by putting a stop to those pesky inflammation-induced aches and pains. And unlike those icky cough syrups, Adalimumab is usually given as an injection into a muscle. No more puckering up for medicine that tastes like face cream!


Are you sick of being stiff as a robot and suffering from the arthritis blues? Enter Etanercept, the superhero of medications for rheumatoid arthritis. This bad boy suppresses your immune system, gives inflammation a roundhouse kick, and soothes your pain like a gentle massage. And instead of swallowing a pill, just roll up your sleeve for a bicep shot of relief.

Physical Therapy

Looking to get a leg up on rheumatoid arthritis? Physical therapy could be the key to unlocking more pain-free days. With physical therapy, patients can aim to improve their joint function and range of motion, while also reducing pain. Not to mention, building strength, boosting flexibility and finding their balance. Trade in those stiff, achy joints for a more limber lifestyle with the help of physical therapy.

Are you feeling a bit achy but finding it hard to make it to the physical therapist’s office? Fear not! Physical therapy doesn’t always require a trip to a clinical setting. In fact, some lucky folks get their therapy in the comfort of their own homes. This option is perfect for those with a packed schedule or mobility issues. Don’t let a hectic lifestyle or pesky pains hold you back – with physical therapy at home, you can stay on top of your health and wellness.

Say goodbye to stiff and achy joints! Physical therapy is the secret weapon for those battling rheumatoid arthritis. With the help of a qualified therapist, you can expect to not only reduce pain and improve joint function, but also boost your strength, flexibility, and endurance. And if you’re worried about finding the time to make it to appointments or struggling with mobility, fear not! From individualized sessions in a clinic to at-home treatments, there’s a physical therapy option to suit every lifestyle. Don’t let arthritis slow you down – schedule a physical therapy session today!


Rheumatoid arthritis is like a grumpy houseguest that never leaves – a chronic and autoimmune disease that can wreak havoc on your joints. It causes stiffness, swelling, and pain that can leave you feeling more creaky than a haunted house. If you’re unlucky enough to have RA, don’t despair! Treatment options include a mix of medications, physical therapy, and some lifestyle changes. And, if things are really dire, surgery may be necessary to evict the source of inflammation. The type of surgery depends on the location of the trespasser and can be customized to suit your specific needs. So, bid farewell to RA misery and welcome in some joint relief with the help of modern medicine!

What are the complications of RA?

Living with RA can be a real pain in the joints – literally. It can turn everyday activities into exhausting battles and leave you feeling like a shell of your former self. But it’s not just the physical pain that’s the issue – RA can also wreak havoc on your social life and mental well-being. This disease is a real party pooper, and it’s not afraid to show it. So if you or someone you know is dealing with RA, don’t underestimate the importance of seeking support and taking care of yourself. Ignoring the warning signs can lead to serious consequences, and nobody wants to kick the bucket before their time.

Rheumatoid arthritis may be a pain in the joints, but it’s not just about achy knees and wrists. People with RA also have to worry about their hearts, since they’re at higher risk for heart disease and diabetes. To keep these pesky illnesses at bay, doctors recommend kicking the habit and losing any extra weight. So put down those cigarettes and dumbbells, and let’s beat heart disease together!


Are you a little overweight with RA? It’s not just your joints that are at risk – your heart could be in trouble too. Studies show that carrying extra pounds increases your risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol, making heart disease a real possibility. Plus, if you’re not careful, obesity can lead to lifelong health issues like heart disease and diabetes. But wait, there’s more – being overweight can also make it harder for RA treatments to do their job! So while you’re working on healing those joints, don’t forget about your heart and waistline.


RA can wreak havoc on the workplace for those who live with the condition. Employment rates are lower, and duties can become difficult to carry out due to symptoms. Working in a physically demanding job is akin to running a marathon with a weight vest. It’s important to recognize the challenges that those with RA face and work to overcome them.

How can I manage RA and improve my quality of life?

Living with arthritis can put a damper on your work, leisure, and social life, but fear not! There are a plethora of wallet-friendly ways to enhance your quality of life despite RA’s pesky interference.

Get physically active

Get moving, folks! The pros say that adults should aim for 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week to keep those bodies in tip-top shape. You don’t have to become a gym rat – activities like walking, swimming, or cycling for thirty minutes a day (across five days) can do the trick. And if you’re short on time, break up that half hour into three ten-minute sweat sessions throughout the day. Not only will regular exercise help fend off chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and depression, but it’ll also give you a nice little endorphin boost. Don’t believe us? Check it out yourself. Keep reading to learn how physical activity can even help those with arthritis.

Go to effective physical activity programs

Hey, friend! Are you feeling the aches of arthritis and not sure how to keep moving without worsening the pain? Fear not, there are physical activity programs out there that can actually help reduce RA-related pain and disability, improve your mood, and get you moving better. And the best part? You can find these classes at your local Y, community center, or park. So, don’t let arthritis keep you down. Check out the CDC’s website to learn more about these fantastic programs.

Join a self-management education class

Living with arthritis can be a real pain in the…joints. But fear not! There are endorsed self-management education programs recommended by the CDC to help ease the burden. These programs can help participants become more confident in managing their condition and living their best lives, despite arthritis’s pesky presence. So why suffer needlessly when you can gain some valuable knowledge? Check out these programs and learn to take control of your arthritis today!

Stop Smoking

Puffing away on a cigarette can not only make Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) symptoms worse but also bring forth a multitude of other unpleasant health issues. It’s a bummer for those who already have RA because smoking can sabotage physical activity which is a key part of managing the condition. If you’re hooked on these devilish sticks and need help quitting, pay a visit to the I’m Ready to Quit webpage on the CDC’s Tips From Former Smokers website. It’s time to kick this habit to the curb!

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Want to keep your joints healthy and avoid complications associated with rheumatoid arthritis? Then you better make sure you’re maintaining a healthy weight, my friend! The CDC Healthy Weight website has got all the juicy details on how to do just that. Don’t let pesky pounds weigh you down – check it out!


“Living with rheumatoid arthritis doesn’t have to be a pain in the joints! With the right tweaks to your lifestyle, along with some trusty medications and natural remedies, finding relief from pesky chronic pain and inflammation is totally possible. Give some love to your body with omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin, ginger, boswellia, and capsaicin to help alleviate those symptoms and promote holistic health and happiness.”

It’s important to remember to always consult a doctor before trying any new treatments and to work with them to find the best solution for your specific situation. With the right combination of treatments, you can manage your RA and live a full, healthy life. If you find these blogs helpful, please share this with your loved ones and friends. You are also welcome to visit our other related blog for more tips and recommendations.

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